Thursday, May 03, 2007


Worldwide - Demonstrations were held in cities across the globe to commemorate the International Worker's Day. Traditionally, the holiday was celebrated as part of the pagan festival of Beltane, but became a day for workers in 1886 when mostly immigrant anarchist labor leaders in the United States organized a series of strikes and protests in support of an eight-hour work day for ten hours worth of pay.

Although the movement was successful, a number of the leaders were executed by the state after a sham trial on conspiracy charges. Many organizers had been rounded up following a May 4th incident in which a bomb was thrown among a group of policemen in Chicago's Haymarket Square. Five unionists who were convicted and executed, or who died in prison, became know as the Haymarket Martyrs.

Click Here To check out what went down in major cities around the world. While I sat at work, some 15,000 people joined together in detroit.


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